Every new school year, the teachers used the same icebreaker to start things up: "What did you guys do this summer?" Often we'd have to share with the class or at least write about it, and you'd always hear about the kids who got to travel to exciting places...I wasn't usually one of those kids. Yeah, I'd been to Disneyland before, and sometimes we'd go to the beach, but often I found myself at home reading. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, but I eventually got tired telling the class that I didn't really do much with my summer.
As the years went by, reading in blanket forts and sidewalk chalk got exchanged for a white uniform and black work shoes. I met many friends and saved up some money; things were good.
Eventually, work and school became too much and my soul needed a break. So this year, I found myself staring a very blank summer schedule. If you know me, I'm a workaholic who has a hard time sitting still, so this was slightly scary, but strangely freeing.
So what did I do with my summer? It might seem like it was a lot of little things, but they meant a lot to me, because I had been too busy to do them before. I suddenly had time to cook a real meal and pick up my guitar without a time limit.
It was truly great, but I knew that there was something bigger that I would do with this freedom.
I found myself taking a leap of faith.
Have you ever had the opportunity to face your fears and do something amazing? Well I was offered this chance...
I found myself surrounded by an amazing team of leaders, having the time of my life with a bunch of kids (yes, most of them were taller than me).
The theme this year was "Building Bricks in God's Family"...
Of course, being a big kid, I enjoyed all the Legos!
One of my favorite parts was seeing what all the kids created with their legos!
This one was actually inspired by a part of the camp!
One afternoon, spectators lined up in anticipation of a race...made up of toy cars that the kids had built!
And then, they were off!
Not all of them could win, but here were some memorable ones...
If all the lego fun wasn't enough, there were so many other activities to get involved in, like archery, swimming, zombie tag and laser tag.
There was just so much fun going on I couldn't keep up with it all!
In the early afternoons, we got to hangout with a great group of teenagers.
Here's a few of the lovely ladies!
We had to get creative with some unique games to keep these young minds entertained...like field hockey with pool noodles and slip-n-slide kickball.
This kid was on crutches and still wanted to play!
But one of the craziest games that we did was a human version of "Hungry, Hungry Hippo". On a wet slip-n-slide, a kid lay on a boogie board. They were pushed and pulled by their team to the center, so they could try to bring back plastic balls.
So while we were having a great time, it wasn't all about the fun and games.
It was so great to meet all these young people who loved Jesus. It isn't often you get to spend a week surrounded by others who believe in the same things you do!
This trip would have been amazing in itself if that was all that happened...but that wasn't even the leap of faith part.
I was asked to lead the college worship.
That shouldn't be a big deal...I play guitar and sing in the choir, it's nothing unusual.
The thing is...I like to follow other people. I only step up as a leader when no one else will...
Well, God wanted to push me out of my comfort zone and into a beautiful place of worship, and no matter how much I tried to convince myself that this wasn't for me, it was clear.
God had made my schedule clear this summer, so that I could go.
I knew that I wasn't capable, but with God anything was possible.
My pastor always says that God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
So, I said yes.
And because of it, I was unbelievably blessed. With an wonderful trip...
With amazing people...
With some fun models...
And let's just say that after God called me, He sure equipped me!
So if you ever get a chance to take a leap of faith...or go to Redwood Christian Camp, trust me, it's worth it!