So if my Saturday wasn't exciting enough, Sunday rolled around! After a good night's sleep, our family went to church as usual. Afterwards, we had lunch, watched TV and took naps...yeah I know let's get to the exciting part already!
There really isn't much to do in the Yuba-Sutter Area, but when there is an event, we sure go all out! For the last few years, my mom and I have thoroughly enjoyed attending the Marysville Stampede. This year was no exception!
If you want to see some pictures from last year, you can find them here.
I always love people-watching, especially when I have a camera!
Check out this little guy's fashion sense! Isn't he just adorable?
Ok...maybe he's just rocking a great pouty face...haha but I still think he's a great little model! I promise I didn't just take pictures of kids, I know you wanna see some of the event!
Here's one of my favorites!
Sadly, this exciting moment I captured was followed by a bad fall and landing. This cowboy broke his leg and had to be helped out of the arena!
The term "break a leg" is definitely only good luck in theatre, but the show had to go on!
You can't go to the rodeo without getting a cool picture of boots!
I think you just gotta get lots of pictures of cowboys in general!
Of course there were some ladies representing! It's definitely a challenge to try to capture them running so fast!
If this wasn't all enough fun, afterwards, there was a little motocross show! These guys were crazy and talented, making for some fun pictures!
Reach for the stars!
I hope everyone had a good memorial weekend! (Don't try this at home kids!) ♥︎