Just a few days ago, I had the privilege to attend one of my favorite events. We try to make it every year, but this year, the weather forecast was threatening us with rain. We almost didn't get to go! During Mother's Day weekends, crowds of unique and vibrant people come together in the town of Davis and it is always such a fun experience!
In case you want to see my blog post about the this celebration last year you can find it here!
Usually the whole family goes on a Sunday, but our weekend was so packed with other events, that we had to take advantage of the festival starting on Friday! I was so determined to go this year, that I had even pondered going by myself, but in the spirit of Mother's Day weekend, I thought if momma could come, she definitely should!
So after she got off work on Friday afternoon, our adventure began! I was determined to wear my super comfy "hippie pants" as I like to call them, but in the name of tiny people problems, I had to hem them! I had started sewing the night before, but I was tired (and very slowly hemming by hand), so I finished them just in time to put them on before hitting the road!
The traffic was crazy and it seemed like we would never get there! When we finally found a place to park, we followed the music.
While my mother was looking at a jewelry booth, this painter caught my eye! Not only was her work beautiful, but I found it so intriguing that she chose to continue her work instead of just sitting at her booth.
These hanging vases were so memorable, my mom had wanted to buy one last year, so this time she made sure to bring some extra spending money. They appear so flat, but can still hold enough water for some pretty flowers and can hang from a tiny wire! These vases weren't the only beautiful glasswork...
What's one thing you can always find at this event? Amazing, colorful, handmade jewelry!
Even though I have no idea I'd wear this with, I still wish I'd gone home with this necklace
After being awed by the jewelry, (and maybe buying a few pieces), we continued until we were stopped by some beautiful art.
A mermaid! Riding a bike! Made out of wire! But wait, there's more!
This talented man has so many pieces of artwork for us to admire, I don't want to know how much time we just stood there staring.
After all this fun, we eventually got hungry. Thankfully, we came across a tent selling many healthy, vegan dishes...and eventually we found something familiar.
Pad Thai! It was topped with green onions, peanuts, sprouts, and peanut sauce, complete with tofu and a lime on the side.
A fellow music listener
There was plenty of entertainment to enjoy along with our food. There was a band that I can't exactly describe, but it was far from my usual musical comfort zone! After listening to some otherworldly tunes, we saw some beautiful belly dancers.
One of my favorite things about this performance was that there were women of all sizes and backgrounds, and you could see that each of these women felt beautiful in who they were.
The belly dancers weren't the only ones dancing!
The best part of this festival is the people. They just have such happy vibes, you just never want to leave!
One of my favorite characters that I came across was an older woman, who had rainbow hair, a rainbow tie-dyed shirt and an awesome dragon face painting to top it off!
This lovely rainbow lady wasn't the only person rocking some fun fashion!
As expected, My floral designer mother had to find a pretty little flower to take home.
In addition to this flower and our jewelry, I found another little treasure...I'll tell you guys if you promise not to judge...
Okay, I hope you promised because here it goes anyway...
It comes in this cute little box...and my choice colored of paper inside...
Yes, it's a unicorn!
How cute is it? Can you blame me for buying it? Especially with the stress of finals approaching, I thought this little bundle of joy would brighten up my day!
I'm so thankful that the weather permitted us to have such a good time, reliving memories and making new ones...and maybe making some new rainbow friends.♥︎