Scellato Photography

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Copy of A Time of Change

Change is a part of life, but it is not always a fun one. Humans like familiarity and patterns. But one kind of change that is part of a pattern that I always love to see is the change from summer to fall. It's one of those times where you gotta put on your boots, grab your camera and head outside! 

After the fire in the trees fades, my favorite season arrives. I will never fall out of love with the sound and smell of the rain. 

Despite my breath getting caught as a cold puff of fog before me, I still try to make myself get outside and enjoy the beauty of winter.

Even though I do not like most change, I do enjoy winter, which just happens to be when the most change usually occurs. Especially this year! Learning how to drive a different car, getting ready to go to a new school, making new's just been crazy!

Thankfully, not all the good things have to become old. Some traditions bring friendly reminders of years past, and others can have a fun spin put on them. 

Decorating the Christmas tree was a little different this year, thanks to our lovely new strand of In-n-Out Burger lights!

During this season, my family will usually bake Christmasy recipes, and whenever my friend Camy is home, we bake super delicious desserts and watch Disney movies. But this time we mixed it up, grabbed a Christmas movie and Camy and I baked from scratch...

Gluten-Free Homemade Rainbow Nutella Poptarts

They were so good! Making any regular recipe into a gluten free one is a scary experiment, but this one was definitely a success! 

Trying new things can be scary, but so far I've found that some of the best memories come out of it! I can't wait for 2017!